My instaphotos

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

positive thinking

so i mentioned in my previous post here that i'm going to Genting with sistah Charis for an all-out makan with the Nuffnang-ers.

turns out i wasn't included.

it was a single invite event

buttttttttt, i got invited to go! <3 <3 <3 <3 <3

the Nuffnang-er called me (halfway through our Father's Day dinner at Kien Kee Restaurant-awesome Fa Diu Gai there!) to ask whether i was aware that Charis was going for their all-out makan.
the conversation went as follows:

"hey so do you know that your sister is going up to Genting...."


"errr, HUH?! but this is a single invite only!"

(prepare to pause for embarrassment)

" calling to invite you."

okay so after i finished bragging to my sister we decided that maybe he saw my post and didn't want me to get embarrassed should i find out that i wasn't invited.

anyhow, i find that these might be positive thinking at work! maybe i was sending out so many vibes that "im going im going im going" until God and the universe decided to give me what i wanted.

"aiya just let her go lah."

i find myself thinking more in positive terms now instead of the worst, studies have shown that people who think more in terms of "im beautiful and thin and confident" have actually been more successful at achieving it!
(from the Star on Sunday, forgot which part already)

so in love with the world right now

p.s. Going up to Genting later after class <3

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